Ending a Paid Subscription

If you purchase a Business Subscription it will automatically renew until you let us know to end it. There are three ways you can do this:

(1) In your Account Management page click on the button 'Cancel Subscription'. Your subscription will run until the end of the current term and then not renew.

(2) You can create an account with Chargebee, our third-party subscription management partner. You can do this by clicking on the link in your Account Management page, or in the emails we send with your invoices. After you cancel, your subscription will run until the end of the current term and then not renew.

(3) Email us at info@ventureradar.com . We will action any requests within 3 working days.

When your subscription ends your account will return back to a Free Account. In future you can upgrade the same account back to a Paid Subscription.