What is the VentureRadar Database?

The VentureRadar Database provides information on more than 300,000 companies globally across all sectors. Our focus is on small private companies - which are typically more difficult to find and track - but we also cover larger companies as well.

The information we provide is constantly updated from public web sources which are filtered, structured, and transformed into company insights.

Our proprietary data, algorithms and tools allow you to discover, track and research companies in whatever way is easiest for you. Features of the database include:

Advanced Search

Apply a range of filters to find organisations that match your specific criteria. Filters include funding type received, location, founded year, and more.

Similar Companies Lists

Use our proprietary Similar Company algorithm to find companies that are like ones you are already interested in.

Email Alerts

Set up email alerts to track the progress of selected companies. Find out about developments such as new funding raised, website traffic trends, and more.

Export Search Results

Export results to CSV or Excel and carry out your own analysis, or integrate into your own processes.

Follow Companies

Follow and track the progress of selected companies from your homepage. Find out about developments such as new funding raised, website traffic trends, and more.

Company Rankings

Use our range of proprietary company scores to rank companies in your interest areas.

Company Profiles

Detailed profiles on more than 300,000 companies. Our company profiles include dozens of data points, allowing you to understand, research and track companies of interest to you.