Managing the emails we send you

You can manage the emails we will send you from within your Account Management page.

Email Alerts On Companies You Follow

When you follow companies on VentureRadar we will send you periodic email alerts with updates on those companies. If you would prefer not to get these emails you can Unfollow individual companies, or disable the email alert feature by clicking on "Switch Off E-mail Alerts for Followed Companies". You can switch these email alerts back on by clicking on "Switch On E-mail Alerts for Followed Companies".

Email Alerts On Exports

When you perform an export we will send you a confirmation email. If you would prefer not to get these emails click on "Switch Off E-mail Alerts for Exports". You can switch these email alerts back on by clicking on "Switch On E-mail Alerts for Exports".

Other Emails

The only other emails we will send you are a one-off welcome email, and communications in connection with your use of the VentureRadar website, such as account management, invoices, etc.